


Why Your Resume Is Not Getting Shortlisted

8 Reasons Why Your Resume Is Not Getting Shortlisted

Have you submitted your application for employment and been waiting…and in the waiting, but haven’t heard from the hiring manager.

We’ve all been through this at one point or another in our lives We know that this isn’t a pleasant feeling.

If you’re also experiencing the rough stage and are wondering “why is my resume not getting shortlisted?” Then you’ve landed on the right site.

This blog will give you eight reasons why your resume isn’t being chosen by recruiters, and what you can do to fix the situation.

1. It’s not ATS user-friendly

Nowadays, most companies are using an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to assist recruiters in analyzing applications for jobs. It’s a software program that helps sort applications according to certain requirements, such as keywords, qualifications or years of experience schools of education, etc.

If your resume doesn’t include the words that are listed in the job descriptions There’s a good chance that your application won’t be considered.

If you are thinking of applying, go through the job description thoroughly and then create your resume using the keywords that are listed to get noticed.

2. It is crammed with mistakes

Another thing that can irritate the recruiter is if your resume is full of mistakes. If the resume is stuffed with mistakes, the recruiter could conclude that you’re not serious about your job.

Your resume is the initial impression of the prospective employer which is why it’s imperative to read the resume at least 3 times to make sure that your resume is free of any errors and inconsistencies.

There are other programs to test your grammar and spelling such as Grammarly. Grammarly does not just suggest grammar corrections but also recommends consistency and better sentence structure. This can help you enhance your resume by one notch.

3. Inconsistencies in the employment history

It’s possible that your application could be rejected in the event that the employer believes that the information provided is untrue, and could make you appear like an untruthful person or conceal crucial details.

Also, make sure you check the information you’ve provided in your educational and work experience section because the tiniest inconsistency could cause the recruiter to lose interest when they read your profile.

Don’t hide information, regardless of whether you have frequent job changes or a long gap. It is possible to explain your reason for taking an absence with a timetable should you need to.

4. It’s a generic resume

Each company has its own requirements for different positions and submitting an unspecific resume will not satisfy all of their needs.

The first step is to narrow down the job postings that are of interest to you instead of applying blindly. After that, go through the job descriptions carefully and then add relevant qualifications and other information in accordance with the requirements of the job.

It is also possible to provide an outline of your resume that will provide a brief introduction to the person you are interviewing at the top of the resume. You can also add relevant elements to the resume.

5. It is a reference to the roles of a job, but it is not about

Make sure you include the achievements of your jobs when listing your experiences in the workplace. The employer doesn’t just need to know about your work background, but also to be able to see the growth path you are on.

Therefore, you should list your achievements when you’re describing your career background. This will give the employer an understanding of your progress in your career and will provide insight into your skills development.

6. There is no online presence

Nowadays, online presence plays an important role not only for companies but also to promote personal branding.

Based on the job you’re applying for the recruiter may want to check your social media accounts and other professional websites.

If you’re profile’s hard to find There’s a good chance you’ll lose the chance to get a phone call. So, make sure you have an understanding of the significance of the application and make any necessary adjustments to your online social network profiles.

7. Invalid contact details

Your contact information plays an equally vital role on your resume to allow recruiters to reach out to you. Without these details, how will the recruiter even get in touch with you?

If you are updating your contact information in addition to your phone number be sure your email ID is professional and doesn’t contain any confusing letters or numbers.

8. It’s way too long

The resume can be described as a form of document which summarizes details about your education, work experience, and acquired abilities, for example. The ideal resume will not exceed two pages.

Therefore, you may remove certain details from your resume that are no longer of any significance. For instance, if have a job that requires 5+ years of work experience, it is possible to omit details such as your education at school or your internship experience or similar information.

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